精武Biennale College CinemaA lonely journeyman working with a traveling circus who attempts to tame a python in the hopes that it will bring him closer to the family running the show.
精武Biennale College CinemaA lonely journeyman working with a traveling circus who attempts to tame a python in the hopes that it will bring him closer to the family running the show.
回复 :阿诺德是学校里的风云人物,前途似锦。帮助学生作弊的地下公司看中了阿诺德的才华,向他递出了沾满油水的橄榄枝。与此同时,学校和周围社会的接连变化,在阿诺德的世界里掀开阵阵涟漪,令人目不暇接。陈哲艺监制,泰国新锐导演索拉育·博拉帕斑用犀利和幽默的镜头语言,审视和切开了泰国新时代不容小觑的一角。
回复 :During the Cold War, a scientific team refits a Japanese submarine and hires an ex-Navy officer to find a secret Chinese atomic island base and prevent a Communist plot against America that could trigger WW3.
回复 :聚焦一群资深雇佣兵的故事。讲述了敢死小队最后一次集结,登上外海一艘满载核弹的货轮,开展一场阻止巨轮核弹爆炸的惊天行动。