回复 :1949年,乡村教师杨志和(许还山 饰)抛下妻子杨秀梅(陶玉玲 饰)和年幼的女儿,被抓丁去了台湾。在途中,他与同时被抓的常老乐(赵汝平饰)、高占魁(邱英三 饰)、李牛孩(谭天谦 饰)结拜为兄弟。数年过后,李牛孩、高占魁相继去世,杨志和携带二人骨灰,踏上漫漫回乡之路。途中巧遇常老乐的儿媳李扬(陶玉玲 饰),更令其思念多年未见的妻女。原来他被抓丁后不久,秀梅带女儿参加了游击队,如今秀梅已经是机械厂的副厂长,他巧遇的李扬正是自己的亲生女儿。杨志和见妻心切,无奈当时的政策不允许,他决定既刻离境,在轮船起锚的一瞬间,秀梅带女儿赶到了码头......
回复 :假释出狱的小薇来到偏远的山林角落,寄住在瘫痪伯父的糖厂小屋中,接受假释官的固定探察。在狱中相识的同志情人小芙,很快地也来到这寂静的乡间与她相会。不久,甜蜜悠閒的两人世界开始有了转变。小芙越来越难以忍受死气沉沉的生活,内心起了骚动,小薇也意识到,也许将面对爱人的离开。但在此同时,来自往日的暗影,正无声无息地逼近中。
回复 :"Veteran experimental filmmakers Danielle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub helmed this unusual adaptation of a novel by Elio Vittorini. Focused on the triumphs and failures of a group of laborers and farm hands who pooled their resources to operate an alternative collective farm after the end of World War II, Operai, Contadini features a cast of 12 actors who read aloud from Vittorini's book for the duration of the film, either reciting from memory or using a clearly visible script. Hardly designed to be a crowd pleaser, Operai, Contadini proved to be controversial among the audiences for its showings at the 2001 Cannes Film Festival, where it was screened as part of the Directors' Fortnight series." ~ Mark Deming, All Movie Guide"The group makes up a primitive community which seeks to erase not only the distress created by the war but also the hardships of life and hunger, and to protect them from violence, misery and fear. Amid the ruins of this post-war period, the characters build and invent a rapport both in their professional and daily lives between themselves, the sexes, generations, diverse social and geographical origins, and antagonistic political camps.The group maintains a 'register', a kind of diary, as if it were entering the minutes of an inquiry or a trial." -Steve Grayson"my favorite Straub-Huillet films are Too Early, Too Late and Operai, contadini (2001), both color landscape films with especially acute senses of place as well as of nature in all its harsh beauty." - Jonathan Rosenbaum