回复 :Kai Nagisa, a normal high school girl who wishes to one day become a professional wrestler, is suddenly approached by a robot known as an Iczel. Iczel urges her to help save the Earth from invading aliens called Geas. The Geas, led by Chaos and Cross, are bent on stripping Earth's resources and then destroying it. To fight the invaders, Nagisa must merge with Iczel and become a battle-suited warrior named "Iczelion". She is reluctant to take up this sudden unbelievable task and fight with the other Iczelions of Earth because Nagisa just wants to live a normal life without having such big responsibilities. Nagisa must overcome her fears and fight, together with other Iczelions, to prevent the invading alien forces from destroying their homeplanet, Earth.
回复 :《神兽金刚3超变星甲》是神兽金刚第三季作品。剧情延续神兽金刚2天神地兽。
回复 :幽暗阴森的郊外,夜幕降临,枯树下坟茔林立,蝙蝠、野狐、猫头鹰是这里当之无愧的主人,它们用冰冷的目光注视着黑暗的世界,目击着各种丑恶悄然进行。一座古墓内极不自然地闪出亮光,干瘦的盗墓者就这货吧站在墓穴走廊中央。不知为何,他触动机关,地板突然陷落,他直直地跌落下去。下面更有一片别样洞天,灯火自动点燃,接着死神一般巨大的身影在墓穴尽头出现,死神拿出宝剑,吓得盗墓者转身夺路狂逃。可是他的磨难并未就此结束,各种机关,各种鬼魅,让他的生命经受前所未有的恐怖考验。把头别在裤腰中,说的正是他此时的行径吧……