欧美Young, trans Michael returns to his family home in the rural American West. His father takes him on a sultry exploit, striving to connect.
欧美Young, trans Michael returns to his family home in the rural American West. His father takes him on a sultry exploit, striving to connect.
回复 :本片荣获2003年亚特兰大及佛罗里达影展双料最佳影片。"安德鲁"与"卡尔"两人是高中好友,自称"双人军团",他们的反社会情绪导致产生用枪枝血洗高中校园的念头,他们用V8摄影机自拍纪录了两人完成最后"任务"的始末,影带在两人身后被发现拨云见日,内容包括了令人不寒而栗的日常生活,观众竟然不由自主的被他们的聪慧、幽默、率直、真诚而吸引......
回复 :该片以真实的人物事件为原型,讲述了刑满释放人员出狱以后在党和政府以及社会各界的关爱下,自强不息、重塑人生、艰苦创业的感人故eee。
回复 :This is commonly known as Jean Renoir's first American film (1941), although Renoir scholar Alexander Sesonske has established that Renoir's creative role in the project was severely hampered by producer Darryl F. Zanuck and that he didn't regard much of the film as his own. (The ending, for instance, was written by Zanuck and directed by Irving Pichel.) Nevertheless, the film has certain beauties and pleasures. Part of it was shot in Georgia's Okefenokee swamp, and the treatment of the small community living ~Censored~ is often pungent and distinctive.