回复 :故事发生在名为“小鸟游事务所”的偶像事务所之中,这里是孵化未来闪耀着耀眼光辉的偶像的巢穴。外表冷漠但内心却隐藏着巨大的热情的和泉一织(增田俊树 配音)、非常讨厌演艺圈里的歪风邪气的二阶堂大和(白井悠介 配音)、心思细腻十分懂得为他人着想的和泉三月(代永翼 配音)、身体协调能力非常出色,台上台下判若两人的四叶环(大桥贤一郎 配音)、个性认证又温柔,对人对事有着强烈责任感的逢坂壮五(阿部敦 配音)、身世十分复杂,外貌超群的六弥凪(江口拓也 配音)和总是无法拒绝他人请求的老好人七濑陆(小野贤章 配音),这七人聚集在事务所中,共同向着梦想努力。
回复 :Britain, is an island. Surrounded by a cold and unforgiving sea. For centuries it protected us from attack. But to prosper and thrive, we would need to do more than hide behind her salt water shield. Britain needed brave men, willing to venture out into the unknown and she needed good boats to take them there. I've spent my life at sea. Now I'm going to take passage on six boats that together, tell the story of modern Britain. Built for exploration, war, fishing, industry and our very survival. These are the boats which built Britain, and changed the way we live - forever.
回复 :不死少年陆沉身陷混沌域绝地百万年,只能依托庞大魂力以神识游历诸天万界,但每次游历之后都会陷入长久的沉睡中。历经无数年的暗中布局,改变命数轮回,终于在又一次苏醒后,于神魔墓园脱困而出,如龙入海。时过境迁,昔日被迫收下的徒弟竟成了修为通天的大帝,好心收养的小女孩已成为镇压一界的仙子,就连随手捡的一只癞皮狗,也已成为一宗之祖。诸天万界,天地为局,众生为子,对抗十二苍天,一切都在他谋划百万载的旷世奇局之中!