悬赏An assassin on a final assignment in Fuerteventura, to kill a man he has never met. When his target is delayed, he finds himself drawn to the island, people and a ghostly shipwreck.
悬赏An assassin on a final assignment in Fuerteventura, to kill a man he has never met. When his target is delayed, he finds himself drawn to the island, people and a ghostly shipwreck.
回复 :比爾(布萊德強森)在前往一處西部小鎮途中,發現大批毒蛇爬向小鎮。當晚入夜後,毒蛇果真入侵小鎮,鎮民挖水池想困住毒蛇,沒想到這群爬蟲竟會游泳!最後鎮民用炸藥消滅了毒蛇。不料這群毒蛇身長數十呎的母親,竟在次日早晨現身…
回复 :在经历了校园鬼话后,骚年们回来决定好好读书,不久后大学联考将至,骚年们听说有个学长在庙里祈福成功上了大学,为求考试顺利一群人在学长的带领下来到娜娜庙祈福,NICK在祈福时大放厥词。在娜娜的指引下骚年们上了小船,果断的踏上了作死之路。等待他们的将是。
回复 :里夫游历美丽热情、毒品泛滥、50年战火不止的哥伦比亚。游览热带海滨别墅,与民兵首领会谈,见证当地种植业者的抗议。