亲亲A group of college freshmen pledge an exclusive fraternity but soon realize there's more at stake than they could have ever imagined.
亲亲A group of college freshmen pledge an exclusive fraternity but soon realize there's more at stake than they could have ever imagined.
回复 :During a trip to Sicily in 1920, Luigi Pirandello meets Onofrio Principato and Sebastiano Vella, two actors rehearsing a new show with the actors of their amateur dramatics. This meeting brings great surprises.
回复 :内容描述一名精神病男子化装成圣诞老人在公路上洗劫,并以残酷的手法杀死了车主夫妇。他们的小孩侥幸逃生,但多年以后仍然受到此一暴力事件的惊吓。「圣诞老人是凶手」这种角色设计,对儿童而言根本无法接受,成年人亦会对本片的血腥暴力场面感到不忍卒睹,但其诡异的叙事风格仍然具有特色。该片在当年首映时曾引起美国家长的抗议,不过因此反而使它变成卖座片,甚至接连拍摄了几部续集。
回复 :小龙喜欢打拳,与人有约,骠叔是他的经纪,常常出谋划策,终与一黑老大起了冲突......