回复 :Series in which Dr Adam Rutherford investigates the close relationship between discoveries in anatomy and the works of art that illustrate them.
回复 :全国首档聚焦北京商圈经济的户外纪实真人秀节目。以展现北京十二个时辰的不同都市风貌与风土人情为核心,走进簋街、前门、国贸、三里屯、望京等繁华商圈,挖掘独具特色的商铺门店、人文故事、美食体验。继承发扬老北京的文化传统,关注城市青年的娱乐休闲生活。同时邀请明星艺人走进人群,开启商旅文体业态融合的商圈消费新体验。
回复 :CNN纪录片The Lost Tomb of Jesus is a documentary which makes a case that the 2,000-year-old "Tomb of the Ten Ossuaries" belonged to the family of Jesus of Nazareth.