底里A man is waiting in his hut in the desolate expanse of the Russian Arctic. He is holding out in order to observe a natural event that occurs here, every year. But ocean warming is taking its toll.
底里A man is waiting in his hut in the desolate expanse of the Russian Arctic. He is holding out in order to observe a natural event that occurs here, every year. But ocean warming is taking its toll.
回复 :No matter the cost, No matter the danger. They will find the truth.A judge commits suicide, and his secretary is found murdered. A homeless deaf-mute man, Carl Anderson is arrested for her murder. Public defender Kathleen is assigned by the court as his lawyer. She sets to find the real killer, and gets help from the congressional advisor, Eddie Sanger who is called to be on the jury panel. Together they discover a dangerous circle of corruption in high places.本片描述的是由女书记员凶杀案而引出的一系列官场上的是非之事。一个精明得七情六欲尽写在脸上的陪审员,他一方面为了本身的政治游说工作不惜和徐娘半老的女议员上床,另一方面则主动热心地帮忙辩护律师搜集证据查案。由于按法律规定,辩护律师是不得跟陪审员来往的,而事情的发展却逼得两人之间的关系越陷越深。
回复 :探员凯西(桑德拉·布洛克 Sandra Bullock 饰)的有勇有谋人尽皆知,而此次摆在她面前的案件却让她伤透了脑经,这宗案件不仅案情扑朔迷离,手法更是完美得找不到一丝漏洞。山姆(本·卓别林 Ben Chaplin 饰)受命协助凯西办案,可是对于这个做事毛毛躁躁的楞头青,凯西却并不信任,她觉得山姆资历尚浅,凭借的不过是纸上谈兵的本事。随着调查的深入,凯西终于找到了突破口,名叫理查德(瑞恩·高斯林 Ryan Gosling 饰)和贾斯汀(迈克尔·皮特 Michael Pitt 饰)的两名少年出现在了她的视线中。然而,凯西无法相信,竟然是这两个看似善良的少年犯下了如此邪恶的罪行。当犯罪动机渐渐显露,一个残酷而又冷血的世界逐渐露出了真容。
回复 :在还是王子的时候,亨利五世(肯尼思·布拉纳 Kenneth Branagh 饰)过着非常奢靡的生活,整日沉浸在声色犬马之中,完全不问朝政。然而,父亲的死给亨利五世带来了极大的震撼,在父亲的坟墓前,他痛定思痛,决心背负起身体一名国王的全部责任。彼时,法军入侵英国,亨利五世带领着他的军队奋起反击,在情势极为不利的情况之下最终夺得了这场战役的最终胜利,这场伤亡惨重但精彩无比的战争被后世称为阿金库尔战役。在打败了法军之后,亨利五世也并没有对战败方赶尽杀绝,而是提出了英法政治联姻,迎娶了美丽的法国公主凯瑟琳(艾玛·汤普森 Emma Thompson 饰),成就了一段佳话。