回复 :凯特开始怀疑她的啦啦队新任命的队长安娜对艾玛的死负有责任,但当凯特试图找出真相时,安娜却要毁了她的生活。
回复 :Bill, a wealthy businessman, confronts his junkie daughter's drug-dealing boyfriend; in the ensuing argument, Bill kills him. Panic-stricken, he wanders the streets and eventually stops at a bar. There he runs into a drunken factory worker named Joe, who hates hippies, blacks, and anyone who is "different", and would like to kill one himself. The two start talking, and Bill reveals his secret to Joe. Complications ensue.
回复 :由于人类利益熏心的商业科研行为,导致引出了南极深海巨型章鱼对南极国际科考站的报复,南极洲交通运输队员韩炼被卷入这场灾祸,为了将罗莎和队友强子带出,与巨型章鱼展开殊死搏斗,最终逃出生天。