回复 :Siblings reunite and settle old issues when their father is diagnosed with cancer.
回复 :清同治三年的1864年,假太监安得海自恃得西太后慈禧(刘晓庆)的宠爱,在朝中为所欲为,连同治皇帝(陈道明)也不放在眼中。当得知同治皇帝与宫女桂莲(巩俐)相好时,有心染指桂莲的他求得慈禧恩准,以将桂莲赐配给他“二哥”为名,想逼其与他成婚,不料桂莲性烈宁死不从,安得海恼羞成怒,将她卖进了天桥妓院。同治皇帝敢怒不敢言,私访天桥妓院,并借安德海南下之机,传旨山东巡抚丁宝桢将其就地正法,与慈禧嫌隙渐深。得知同治染上梅毒后,慈禧不准皇后生育,同治含恨而死,不久,皇后自尽,东太后慈安(陈烨)也神秘驾崩。
回复 :Marie, an independent and militant sex worker who has never needed to rely on anyone, not even to raise her son. When the latter is thrown off his post-graduate cookery course, Marie is unable to make her peace with it. Dreaming of a greater future for him, she decides to sign him up for one of the best cookery schools in France, but her income won’t cover the tuition fees. She needs to find a solution, at all costs. Even if it means leaving France…