  时间:2025-03-13 15:59:59

国产Frank Lloyd Wright is America's greatest-ever architect. However, few people know about the Welsh roots that shaped his life and world-famous buildings. Now, leading Welsh architect Jonathan Adams sets off across America to explore Frank Lloyd Wright's masterpieces for himself. Along the way, he uncovers the tempestuous life story of the man behind them and the significance of his radical family background.In a career spanning seven decades, Frank Lloyd Wright built over 500 buildings, and changed the face of modern architecture: Fallingwater, the house over the waterfall, has been called the greatest house of the 20th century; the spiralling Guggenheim Museum in New York reinvented the art museum; the concrete Unity Temple was the first truly modern building in the world. But the underlying philosophy that links all Wright's buildings is as important as anything he built.Those ideas were rooted in the Unitarian religion of Frank Lloyd Wright's mother. Anna Lloyd Jones was born and raised near Llandysul in west Wales and migrated to America with her family in 1844, most likely to escape religious persecution. Her son, Frank, was raised in a Unitarian community in Wisconsin, a small piece of Wales in America. The values he absorbed there were based on the sanctity of nature, the importance of hard work, and the need to question convention and defy it where necessary. Wright's architecture was shaped by, and expressed, these beliefs.Frank Lloyd Wright set out to create a new American architecture for a new country. He built his own lifelong home in the valley he was raised in, and he named it after an ancient Welsh bard called Taliesin. It was the scene of many adventures - and a horrific crime. In 1914, a servant at Taliesin ran amok and killed seven people including Wright's partner, Mamah Cheney, and her two young children.Wright rebuilt his home and went on to marry a Montenegrin woman, Olgivanna Milanoff, some 30 years younger than him. It was Olgivanna who struck upon the idea that saved Wright's career after the Wall Street Crash and personal scandal laid it low. She decided that her husband should take on apprentices and that the apprentices should pay for the privilege. The Taliesin Fellowship had a hands-on approach, with apprentices often building extensions to Wright's own houses, labouring and cooking for him. Somehow it worked, lasting for decades and nurturing hundreds of young talents.Frank Lloyd Wright died in 1959 aged 91 while working on his final masterpiece, New York's incomparable Guggenheim Museum. He had been born in the wake of the American civil war, the son of a pioneer, and died a television celebrity, in the space age. He is buried in the shadow of Taliesin, alongside his Welsh ancestors.A 150 years after his birth, Jonathan Adams argues that Frank Lloyd Wright is now a vitally important figure who can teach us how to build for a better world. Wright believed in what he called organic architecture; buildings that grace the landscape, express an idea of how to live and respond to individual needs. This bespoke approach - a philosophy, not a style - puts him at the heart of modern architectural thinking.




回复 :1812年盘踞在巴利提亚的海盗琼 拉费特·势力遍及墨西 哥湾与加勒比海,当时美国遭受英军强大舰队攻击,华盛顿沦陷,仅余安得鲁·杰克生将军率领的1200名猎 人及新兵,煞费苦心守于纽奥良,英舰队16000人直逼而来,并欲联合琼·拉费特一举歼灭美军。拉费特深爱州长之女安妮,并向州长投诚,未料城中反对派竟炮轰巴利提压,并掳走所有海贼,拉费特 于是单枪匹马与杰克生将军谈判……



回复 :不明妖星哥拉斯在茫茫宇宙中不断前进,沿途吸附大量的星际飞行物,不断的变庞大,日本的观测宇宙船隼号,为了探明其质量大小,不幸被一起吸附,但是其在最后关头向地球发出了其质量数据,使地球上的人对其有了个初步认识,后经科学家计算测定,其质量为地球的6100倍,而且将在45天后与地球相撞。为阻止地球与哥拉斯的相撞,科学家想出了一个大胆的办法,就是运用水素离子装置在南极造一个喷射基地(类似与火箭发射器),让地球动起来,在哥拉斯到来之前,使地球移动到其他轨道.等哥拉斯安全通过后,然后在北极在建个基地,使地球在回到原来的预定轨道。计划实施的非常顺利,全世界各国在国联的带领下在南极建立了基地,但是由于在南极建造基地,在火焰发生器的作用下让长眠在南极的海象怪兽苏醒了,并破坏了一部份基地,后来,在飞机导弹的攻击下,怪兽死了,但由于怪兽的破坏,火箭发生器推迟了时间,到底地球能不能脱离哥拉斯的吞噬呢?



回复 :They do not show war in this film, they show people and their dreams and hopes ruined by the war. It is not just another "war film", but it rises to the level of a true Tragedy. Not a propagandist or a sob story. Many critics compare this film to another famous Russian war drama, The Cranes Are Flying. I still think that The House I Live in is better, though, if you've seen The Cranes and liked it, most probably you'll love this one either. Both films were shot in 1957 and treat the war theme from the similar humane perspective. I wouldn't cut a single shot from the film, all of them are just in place. I do not know if it can be found outside Russia, if yes, don't miss it.Many critics pointed out resemblances between Dom, V Kotorom Ya Zhivu (The House I Live In) and the better-known Soviet film The Cranes are Flying. Set in the years prior to and during WWII, the story centers on the various residents of a co-op house. Though the directors never show the war itself, its tragic impact is felt throughout the film. And despite the potential for Soviet propaganda, what sticks in the mind is the universality of the experiences endured by the leading characters. Dom, V Kotorom Ya Zhivu was one of Russian's entries in the 1958 Brussels Film Festival.

