回复 :Jacek Koprowicz, both the writer of the screenplay and the director of the film, has centred ‘Mistyfikacja’ around the questions surrounding Witkacy’s death, creating a story of passion and madness, love and falsehood, perversion and happiness, which often transcend the realms of understanding. According to the director, Witkacy did not commit suicide but instead hid at his lov...
回复 :这是一部期盼跟观众产生情感互动的电影 ,也是一部结构独特、有虚有实的作品。在中国成都,外公患病住院,家人以他们的方式陪伴、纪念;美国旧金山,音乐治疗师刘小天,用自己的动人歌声,给予弥留之际的他们临终关怀。建构的剧情和温暖的记录都向我们传达着,在生老病死面前,珍惜当下,就是最优解。影片结尾,在随风翻动的经幡和渐渐浮现的雪山前,不同国度、不同地域的爱,汇聚成涓涓细流,浸润至心间。
回复 :雄心勃勃的经纪人莉泽尔发现她的同事苏珊用自己的身体作为“赠品”来吸引客户购买公寓;所以她模仿她的计划。当形势发生逆转时,莉兹尔开始一一面对她的惩罚。