回复 :Alex de Renzy (FEMMES DE SADE, PRETTY PEACHES) was one of the greatest directors of adult films ever, his career starting in the late 60's and preceeding well into the 90's. So saying that BABY FACE, stands as his crowning achievement is no small praise. This ranks as one skinflick that truly has it all, a complete storyline, fine production, and a couple of decent acting performances and some of the hottest sex scenes ever assembled in a single movie.Big, lumbering Dan Roberts stars as the hapless construction worker who has to go into hiding following his seduction of underage but willing Priscilla (Lyn Cuddles Malone) which incurs the wrath of her religious fanatic of a man. After a near-fatal accident leaves him unconsciously drifting in the bay, he is saved by fan favorites Amber Hunt (FIONA ON FIRE) and Linda Wong (SWEET CAKES) who clean him up and then some. Hunt comes up with the brilliant idea of taking him to the Training Camp, a brothel catering exclusively for rich women and run by her aunt, affectionately referred to as the Champ.This fancy cathouse provides the perfect backdrop for the movie's myriad sexual situations, nearly all of them handled with great style and enthusiasm by cast and filmmaker alike, shot through with a wickedly subversive humor. Standout scenes include gentle giant Roberts tender initiation of the eager Malone, their contrast in size providing an instant thrill all by itself, and the late great Kristine Heller taking on pretty much all the guys present in what has to stand as the single greatest gang bang sequence ever committed to film or video.
回复 :林肯(丹泽尔•华盛顿 饰)因为公务导致全身瘫痪,他曾是享誉一时的侦探,破案无数,但自从他瘫痪后他便把自己封闭起来。这次,他因为一宗神秘的杀人案,受到了纽约警察的邀请帮忙,刚开始林肯是拒绝邀请的,但看到案情后便对此案产生了情绪。纽约最近发生了神秘的碎尸案,凶手还故意留下证据挑战警方。巡逻警艾米利亚(安吉丽娜•茱莉 饰)在最后一次巡逻中发现了一具被肢解的尸体,可是当她做出一系列大胆的推测的时候,同僚们都不愿理她,认为她不过是名籍籍无名的巡警。可是艾米利亚的敏感与勇敢受到了林肯的赏识,他要求与这名新手一起突破案件。两人出奇的合作愉快,终于了解到了杀手是有暴力倾向的,而且杀人前都会周密的安排。经过他们的默契又能否成功捉拿变态杀人犯呢?
回复 :女导演Cheryl(张艾嘉 饰)跟编剧商量准备开拍一部关于初恋的爱情故事,她决定把故事时间订在1977年,那时候的女主角小柔(梁咏琪 饰)只有17岁,在舞会上遇到了男主角浩君(金城武 饰)二人一见钟情,很快他们便陷入了热恋之中。小柔有一个好朋友叫陈莉(莫文蔚 饰),小柔除了跟她诉说心事以为,更是逃过妈妈追问出外过夜的好借口。浩君与小柔的家人很快知道了他们的事,两方家长都要求他们分手了断,伤心欲绝的小柔找到陈莉,原来陈莉一直喜欢小柔,令小柔惊吓不已。多年后,浩君与小柔在日本重逢,就算他们各自都有了另一半,但还是阻止不了他们再次走进对方的生活。