回复 :女朋友丁丁的父亲丁大春收赵硕为徒。在一场重要的斯诺克比赛中,赵硕遇到昔日宿敌吴鹏飞……
回复 :韩国秘密核武器神秘失踪,同时载着军方手提装置的飞机在中国境内坠毁。韩方接到消息,一名疑似绰号“赤道”的危险人物(张震 饰)带着助手“信差”(文咏珊 饰)将于香港实行秘密武器交易,韩国武器专家崔民号(池珍熙 饰)与特工朴宇哲(崔始源 饰)奉命前往调查。香港反恐特勤组主管李彦 明(张家辉 饰)与督察范家明(余文乐 饰)协助韩方寻找武器,而核物理教授肇志仁(张学友 饰)也受邀协助判案。武器很快被寻回,没想到竟还隐藏着潜在危机。正当香港及韩国警方决定送还武器回韩国之际,大陆安全局高管(王学圻 饰)带着助手袁小姐(冯文娟 饰)突然出现,三方陷入周旋之中,原来“赤道”另有其人,而他们一伙儿的阴谋也开始实施……
回复 :Life at the border is very tough. The land is stony and dry, farmers plough fields of sand and illegal trafficking seems to be the only way to make a living. In Deliviran, a village near Urfa close to the Syrian border, Hidir’s chief is involved in smuggling and gets shot. Hidir tries to stay out of illegal activities but circumstances contrive to push him in the opposite direction until he accepts to take a herd of sheep across the border. Amidst poverty and the landmines Hidir struggles to keep his dream and his young son alive.