受害A pathologist, Dr. Warren Chapin (played by Vincent Price), discovers that the tingling of the spine in states of extreme fear is due to the growth of a tingler—a spinal parasite which can kill the host unless it is destroyed by screaming.
受害A pathologist, Dr. Warren Chapin (played by Vincent Price), discovers that the tingling of the spine in states of extreme fear is due to the growth of a tingler—a spinal parasite which can kill the host unless it is destroyed by screaming.
回复 :Twenty years ago at the infamous Redwood Farm, the owner went mad and killed his family and himself. Shrouded in urban legend ever since, a stranger obsessed with the unsolved Redwood murders convinces a group of bereaved family members to venture into the wilderness in the hope of proving the existence of the notorious burlap bag-masked maniac. Their quest for truth sees a sinister turn of events, as the hunters become the hunted and a blood-soaked fight for survival ensues when they find that the sinister tales told of the axe-wielding psycho farmer are very real indeed.
回复 :“苍狼”特警队在原始森林中展开大搜捕;一支神秘队伍在森林中前行。他们的目标似乎都是“劫匪”许逸凡(林志颖 饰)和“受害人”何芊芊何芊芊(张娜拉 饰)。特种兵出身的许逸凡让阅历不丰的何芊芊第一次感受到天下竟有和自己男友萧寒(万思维 饰)截然不同的男人。凭着许逸凡特种兵的经验,他们最终克服艰难险阻,走出了原始森林,但却与“呆哥”(陈佳佳 饰)遭遇而大展拳脚,最终被“苍狼”特警队俘获。何芊芊的男友萧寒长相俊帅,学识渊博,深得何芊芊喜爱和爸爸何振雄(朱虎声 饰)的赏识,被安排在何振雄公司做副总。看着爸爸的身体愈来愈不好,何芊芊按照与爸爸签订的“合约”,还是决定与聚少离多的萧寒结婚,以了却爸爸的心思。然而,许逸凡的出现,完全打乱了这对恋人的生活。林雨馨(王子子 饰)经何芊芊的挽留,也来到了何家暂住。当晚的一场化妆PARTY,让苦苦寻找男友的林雨馨有了重大发现。第二天,林雨馨不辞而别。一宗扑朔迷离的奇案发生了,是情杀,还是劫持?伴随着案件的侦破,一段生离死别的奇缘揭开了!
回复 :中年单身程序设计师马特决定要当父亲,通过面试找到26岁的咖啡店服务生安娜代孕生子。安娜因与家人关系僵化,搬至旧金山,她希望通过代孕能获得供自己完成学业的钱。在孕期马特积极介入安娜的生活,事无巨细,安娜也逐渐接受马特的亲密,彼此敞开心扉,建立了一段不太寻常的友谊。