回复 :《英雄连》以一线战士第一视角热血呈现抗美援朝真实战场,由《喜欢你》《一点就到家》导演许宏宇担任剪辑指导。中影股份总经理傅若清透露,《英雄连》从原版网剧中进行梳理,补拍适合大银幕的镜头,重新制作成电影版,将于今年11月6号上映。
回复 :8岁男孩彼得曾眼睁睁看着妹妹被邻居的鲁莽驾驶撞死。父亲因女儿的去世备受折磨,报复后也付出了代价。20年后成年的彼得(修奈尔饰)仍为妹妹的死感到内疚。然而当他试图与家族企业保持距离时,堂兄弟迈克尔(赫德兰饰)却在犯罪等级制度中愈加强大。正因这血缘关系,他们被拖入了背叛与报复的可怕循环中。
回复 :A man named Salem escapes from an insane asylum where he was confined for an axe-murder. Falsely convicted under a plea of "guilty due to insanity", he does not plan to let his sister and her husband forget that they were responsible for the murder of a farmhand and for his cruel imprisonment in the asylum.