回复 :Fearless and playful, she acts on instinct; both avenging angel and a bit of a shit stirrer; deeply empathetic and blunt to the point of rudeness. And with a deeply irreverent sense of humor to boot. Other than the fact her husband died a few years ago, very few people know much about Alexa or why she left the force, rendering this woman a mystery in and of herself. And Alexa can't resist a mystery, so when former colleague and long-time friend Detective Inspector Kieran Hussey asks her to "consult" on his trickier cases, she seems reluctant. But in truth, she can't resist. Joining Alexa to solve the unsolvable is the bubbly, sarcastic, ambitious and grounded, Madison. A true extrovert, Madison works as a Data Analyst for the Police and is on hand at Alexa's call to do what she does best. Written by ten press release
回复 :
回复 :1948年初,浦东解放总队得到确切消息:特大跨国犯罪集团“法力坦”利用其在上海的分支机构,盗挖国宝张士诚宝藏,而国民党特务机构民政厅下属的复兴社,也觊觎宝藏,想要将这批珍贵文物据为己有。我浦东解放总队接到情报后,立刻请示上级,得到批示,决不能让宝藏落入外国犯罪集团和国民党反动派手中。原国民党淞沪警备司令部特调处突击队长顾英雄,不满国民党内部的腐败和争权夺利,在其父亲顾志明和共产党员秦刚的引导下,毅然加入共产党,率领特别行动组,与天兆社的犯罪分子和复兴社特务进行了艰苦卓绝的斗争,最终在我浦东解放总队的协助下,消灭天兆社,成功保护了国家文物。