改編自日本文豪芥川龍之介同名短篇小說。死神王喜龍(和泉素行 飾)愛上了要帶往地獄的女孩黎小町。為了帶黎小町到地獄,日韩王慢慢接近小町,日韩並在和她發生親密關係的某個月圓之夜,向她坦白自己死神的身分。狼狽的小町向王說謊表示自己懷了他的孩子,希望能逃過死劫。後來王告訴小町,自己能帶走另一名和她同名同姓同年出生的女孩,小町為了求生,便告訴王自己有個同名同姓同年生的好友。沒想到去找尋另一名「黎小町」的王,竟和對方陷入了真正的愛情……
改編自日本文豪芥川龍之介同名短篇小說。死神王喜龍(和泉素行 飾)愛上了要帶往地獄的女孩黎小町。為了帶黎小町到地獄,日韩王慢慢接近小町,日韩並在和她發生親密關係的某個月圓之夜,向她坦白自己死神的身分。狼狽的小町向王說謊表示自己懷了他的孩子,希望能逃過死劫。後來王告訴小町,自己能帶走另一名和她同名同姓同年出生的女孩,小町為了求生,便告訴王自己有個同名同姓同年生的好友。沒想到去找尋另一名「黎小町」的王,竟和對方陷入了真正的愛情……
回复 :从小热爱音乐,并最终成为一名职业巡演音乐人的吉米-泰斯塔格罗斯(朗-埃达德饰),历经长达25年的时间,足迹遍布6大洲,带领自己的音乐团队巡演几乎整个地球,他的粉丝、歌迷已然有数百万之多。如今,已然是中年男人的吉米,终于在45岁这年决定回家,看望自己自20岁父亲去世那年便从未见过面的老母亲(罗伊丝-史密斯饰),以及他离别多年的小镇和少时的朋友们。然而,经过多年的岁月洗礼,两鬓斑白的老母亲虽亲情依旧,但往日记忆里的浓情小镇早已翻天覆地,尤其是多年未谋面的发小、旧友甚至青梅竹马却早已是为人夫妇、情随世迁。在历经一番怀旧、追忆、欢笑、误解甚至打骂之后,无情的岁月与世道之变迁,带给这位明星显赫的老摇滚巨星的不仅仅是温馨满溢,更多的则是岁月无情和旧爱的逝去。但年迈的老母亲多年不变的母子亲情却依旧温暖如初,她收藏的爱子年少时便尽显音乐才华时的旧照片和简报,再次成为了中年吉米感恩亲情、相信生活的动力所在……For over 20 years, Jimmy Testagross has lived his childhood dream: being a roadie for his childhood heroes, Blue Oyster Cult. But the band's Arena-Rock glory days are a distant memory. County fairs and club gigs pay the bills. And Jimmy has become a casualty of these leaner times. With no place to go, no job prospects, and no real skills outside of being a roadie, Jimmy needs to regroup. So he returns to his childhood home in Queens, Ny. There, he revisits old relationships: his ailing, widower mom, a high school crush, a former nemesis and, most importantly, his relationship with himself. Jimmy, the middle-aged man-child, has never grown up. He still carries the resentments and frustrations of his youth, and has allowed them to fester and define who and what he is. Confronted with his mother's illness, Jimmy has a choice: let go of the past and take responsibility for both himself and the woman who raised and now needs him. Or continue to live a life of lies and frustration.
回复 :故事的背景设定在俄罗斯,聚焦于一群年轻的退伍军人,他们血气方刚,重情重义。其中有一个人名叫科斯塔亚(小谢尔盖·波德洛夫 Sergei Bodrov Jr. 饰),他的兄弟是美国曲棍球大联盟的球员。由于转会事宜出了问题,科斯塔亚的兄弟被老板欺骗,他们决定为了兄弟的冤情报仇,收回属于他的钱财,并惩罚那位欺骗他们的美国老板。然而,就在他们准备行动之际,科斯塔亚却意外去世了。这突如其来的悲剧给他的朋友们带来了沉重的打击。更为糟糕的是,警方也开始介入调查这个事件。科斯塔亚等人不得不开始逃亡,他们成了警察的通缉对象。他们经历了一系列的惊险事件,并在逃亡过程中冒着生命危险,努力寻求着一线生机。
回复 :A portrait of a man who analyses his life on his 44th birthday. The past and the present, the actual and potential developments blend in a dreamy vision. "The protagonist seems to assume that travelling in time is possible, and things happen in an imaginary, invented time which he fittingly adjusts and changes", said Konwicki in the Film Press News 1/1972. The film is a formally complex analysis of what is commonly referred to as the Polish fate. Awards: 1972 - The Warsaw Mermaid of the Film Critics' Club at the Polish Journalists' Association in the feature film category; Special Jury Award at the Lubuskie Film Summer in Lagow; 1973 - Special Award for Screenplay at the San Remo Film Festival.