回复 :In the fifth season of the British espionage thriller, Harry Pearce and Adam Carter begin to suspect that members of the British establishment are creating a crisis in order to bring about a change of government. In the opening episodes Juliet Shaw encounters a car bomb, and her life is changed forever. Plus we meet former MI-5, turned MI-6 officer Ros Myers (Hermione Norris), who discovers a shocking family connection to the season's game-changing conspiracy.
回复 :The continuing search for Jeremiah Smith leads Scully to uncover encrypted data files whose purpose is not yet known. Being closely hunted by an unknown assassin, Jeremiah leads Mulder to a secluded farm in rural Canada while men in suits determine Mrs. Mulder's fate.
回复 :东汉末年,朝纲混乱。内有董卓(吕晓禾 饰)巨奸权倾朝野,专横跋扈;外有黄巾军起义,撼动社稷。时有曹操(陈建斌 饰)韬光养晦,欲为国除害。逃出京城后,曹操与各地诸侯袁绍、刘备(于和伟 饰)、孙坚等二十路豪杰会盟,共同讨伐董卓。几番征战,董卓最终死于义子吕布(何润东 饰)之手。此时大汉气数将近,英雄豪杰皆觊觎天下,因此上演了群雄逐鹿的争霸大戏。关羽(于荣光 饰)、张飞、诸葛亮(陆毅 饰)、周瑜、夏侯渊、陆逊、姜维、司马懿(倪大宏 饰)等风云人物相继入世,魏、蜀、吴三分天下,千古传奇流传至今……本片根据中国古典四大名著之一《三国演义》改编。