回复 :The Robot Chicken writers are back for Season 7! We open with a wild and crazy puppet orgy! We find out why God hates bees, a drunken visitor from Narnia comes through the wardrobe, the Dino-Riders get a rock song and Cobra Commander joins SAG.
回复 :神犬小克、克力奥和T-BONE明星开始了他们的首次电影冒险之旅!小克和他的搭档们开始了穿越全国的旅程。为了赢得终生免费的粮食,他们参加了一次天才大赛。与新朋友夏克夫德和罗得里格通力合作,他们将把一次搞笑行动变为名垂青史得壮举!永远不变得是小克得博爱让每一个人都成为了赢家。byyakubd.cc
回复 :Stewie and Brian form a children's band that threatens to fall apart when Olivia gets involved, while Chris gets a job managing Quagmire's sex life.