回复 :A BBC Storyville BFI archive film about a century of gay rights, desires and history, with a soundtrack by John Grant and collaborators.
回复 :三千年前,商末,昏君纣王(梁家辉 饰)受妖妃妲己(范冰冰 饰)蛊惑,联手申公豹(古天乐 饰),试图召唤黑暗力量降生灭世黑龙,一时间妖孽横行,民不聊生……为阻止昏君灭世,姜子牙(李连杰 饰)命雷震子(向佐 饰)、哪吒(文章 饰)与杨戬(黄晓明 饰)联手寻找光明之剑斩妖除魔,并协助武王引领西岐大军攻打朝歌。不料妲己施法令姜子牙中了逆生咒,朝歌大战迫在眉睫,黑龙降世已成定局,天下再度陷入危机……
回复 :Four seedy criminal outcasts risk their lives in pursuit of redemption, both legal and moral, by driving unreliable trucks stocked with nitroglycerine through dangerous landscape to cap an oil well fire in a Central American banana republic. Featuring a trance-like score by Tangerine Dream and a visceral, astonishing performance by Roy Scheider, Friedkin's reinterpretation of Clouzot’s 1953 masterpiece is perhaps the best remake of all time and is among Friedkin’s most daring works. Three sequences alone –a chaotic car crash in Boston, the unloading of charred bodies in a Central American village, and the explosives laden trucks crossing a rickety storm-blown bridge – render Sorcerer a classic and retain their power to make audiences gasp. Released the same year as Star Wars, Friedkin's audacious masterpiece represents the braver road abandoned by the studio system.