回复 :影片講述了一個在澳大利亞長大的年輕記者在自己父親的家鄉愛上當地美麗的女導游的故事,據導演透露,這部影片拍攝時間僅13天,但是片中演員的表演都十分出色,導演希望借助這部電影能讓世界的目光注視到老撾現在的發展狀況。???????????????? 早安瑯勃拉邦 是老撾歷史上第一部故事電影,這部由私人出資,老撾泰國聯手攝制的藝術電影將於6月5日在全泰國上映。影片由????????? ?????.以及?????? ?????????兩位導演共同指導,影片男主角是大名鼎鼎的?????? ??????????????(Ananda),這位澳大利亞-老撾混血兒在泰國經典恐怖片“鬼影”中的完美表演證實了自己在表演上不淺的天賦。女主角則是老撾美女????? ??????(Khamli philawong)。
回复 :When his sister's classmate, Leelaa, comes to spend the summer at his family home, a friendship is forged in few days and when our hero decides to take off on a road trip across the country, Leela is more than ready to join him. But something happens on that road trip. Situations go out of control and our lead pair are thrown into a vortex that they're completely unprepared for and beyond their control.
回复 :阿里在平泉为官一任,做了无数好事,后来卸任 远去,留下美名。根据传说,多少年后,他的以 平泉山水为内容的书画作品为天下所重,成为晚清一绝。