回复 :Dom and Yas’ paths collide at the least opportune time: when Dom (David Jonsson) is ugly-crying in a toilet stall, steeling himself for an awkward meal with his ex, who cheated on him with his best friend. Nursing her own breakup wounds, freewheeling Yas decides to jump headfirst into the fray to lessen the sting as Dom’s date. What follows is a day of impulsive and joyous mayhem, as these two twenty-something Londoners roam Peckham through karaoke bars and playgrounds, all the while inching towards the possibility of opening their hearts again.For her visually inventive feature debut, director Raine Allen-Miller launches us into a playful and vibrant world, shaping a romantic comedy that celebrates meeting the right person at the wrong time. Nathan Byron and Tom Melia’s fresh characters leap off the page at breakneck speed in the hands of Oparah and Jonsson, channeling all the frustrations of swiping fatigue while holding onto the hope of finding the real deal. Much like its namesake in the beating heart of South London, Rye Lane is irresistible.
回复 :今次寅次郎自告奋勇做媒人,尝试撮合戇直少年良介与纯情小姑娘幸子。“恋爱经验”丰富的寅次郎,以过来人身份指点良介,大献「追女」妙计,可惜他的办法老土到极,良介多次碰钉,最后失恋而回,在寅屋楼上企图自杀,引火自焚…… 大难不死的良介失意地返回老家长崎,谁知此时寅次郎又出现了,还邂逅了良介的失婚姊姊藤子,令寅次郎再次情迷意乱……
回复 :两个执法者,一个计算机犯罪专家,一个职业杀手,交织出一个火爆激烈的故事!国际刑警高级督察Kenny(欧阳震华)严肃理智,处事周详,为警队精英。督察辉(王喜)不修篇幅,拼搏冲动,敢作敢为,是罪恶克星。两人同时遇上计算机犯罪专家Kiwi(佘诗曼),又因不同理由而与职业杀手Jackal周旋……Kenny是因国际犯罪集团首脑肥谷被杀而要追捕Jackal,而辉为的是要替亡妻报仇。性格迥异的他们,采用极之不同的手法去搜捕Jackal,时生磨擦……另一方面,Kiwi开朗的性格把Kenny与女儿(成珈莹)之间的隔膜打破,Kenny亦对她渐渐产生爱意,惜Kiwi心里只有辉,不惜一切要助他完成报仇之目标。最后,辉终于成功报仇,但是……