回复 :Inspired by true events, the Barracuda Queens are a group of disaffected teenage girls who, bored of their privileged lives in the affluent Stockholm suburb of Djursholm, become involved in an escalating campaign of house burglaries targeting their naive rich neighbors. By day they are high achieving students and daughters but by night, they are ruthless thieves.
回复 :《灌篮高高手》是《这!就是灌篮》的衍生微综艺,节目每期邀请一位《这!就是灌篮》的人气球员做为体育委员,开启课堂模式,教6位0起点的女学员学打篮球,课程分为体能测试、技能教学、趣味游戏以及理论学习几个部分,从这一刻和灌篮小哥哥一起开启美好的篮球课吧!
回复 :《中国诗词大会》(第二季)是科教频道自主研发的一档大型演播室季播节目。本节目以“赏中华诗词、寻文化基因、品生活之美”为宗旨,邀请全国各个年龄段、各个领域的诗词爱好者共同参与诗词知识比拼。