连年亏损的民间马戏团被团长连人带物贱卖给奸商,那夜其中宫兰兰和阿丽以及其他团员在新老板大金牙的忽悠下,那夜一同登船开启了去泰国巡演的旅途。 行至东南亚热带雨林途中,突然遭遇了神秘巨蟒的袭击,他们搭救了一个名叫杰夫的神秘男子。可接连的巨蟒袭击造成船体沉没,杰夫提出带众人穿过雨林去找他的船,却不料这个男人的真实身份竟然是“偷猎者”。蒙在鼓里的马戏团等人就此踏上一条充满血腥的热带雨林之旅……
连年亏损的民间马戏团被团长连人带物贱卖给奸商,那夜其中宫兰兰和阿丽以及其他团员在新老板大金牙的忽悠下,那夜一同登船开启了去泰国巡演的旅途。 行至东南亚热带雨林途中,突然遭遇了神秘巨蟒的袭击,他们搭救了一个名叫杰夫的神秘男子。可接连的巨蟒袭击造成船体沉没,杰夫提出带众人穿过雨林去找他的船,却不料这个男人的真实身份竟然是“偷猎者”。蒙在鼓里的马戏团等人就此踏上一条充满血腥的热带雨林之旅……
回复 :昏暗冰冷的审讯室内,满身伤痕的私家侦探内德·克鲁兹(安东尼奥·班德拉斯 Antonio Banderas 饰)正在接受波利(威廉·菲德内尔 William Fichtner 饰)等三名洛杉矶警察的残酷质询。他被指控撞人致死,在拳脚的胁迫下,内德缓缓道出了这几天的经历。他最先讲述了当红偶像明星同性恋丑闻引发的杀人事件,这是整个故事的开端。随后,在那个潮湿而神秘的夜晚,内德遇见身形巨大、长相凶恶的来自俄罗斯的前拳击手安东·普罗托夫(罗伯特·梅耶 Robert Maillet 饰)。安东雇佣内德寻找一名失踪的脱衣舞女,而这一切似乎又与安东背后的俄罗斯黑帮有着千丝万缕的关系。不久,安东死于非命,内德则继续寻找舞女的下落。在这一过程中,接受过他询问的人不断死亡。内德走上了一条光怪陆离的神秘之路……
回复 :Erstwhile Special Forces operative Doc Alexander is asked to broker a truce with the Mexican drug cartel in secrecy. When Oklahoma Governor Richard Jeffs celebrates the execution of a high-ranking cartel member on TV, his Chief of Staff and Doc inform him about the peace he just ended. But it’s too late, as Cuco, the cartel’s hatchet man, has set his vengeful sights on Doc’s daughter Dixie.They don’t make ’em like Little Dixie anymore: honed to the bone, all gestures and actions, only a few words. Too many genre films these days try to create meaning by piling ideas and intentions on their narrative frames. John Swab, as always, works the other way around. Meaning and depth come from taking away whatever is superfluous – by reducing the plot to its bare essence and the characters to their core trades and tricks.Ultimately, Little Dixie feels like the pulp fiction version of a Giacometti sculpture, all fearful symmetries and mirror images. A gem of crime cinema at its purest and most philosophical, proudly featuring noir’s new darling, Frank Grillo.
回复 :雨后的深夜,户部金库被盗,十万两黄金不翼而飞,看守金库的军士及校尉被杀。皇帝震怒,包公找来白玉堂协助破案。 白玉堂分析案情后怀疑有内鬼,并牵出了与公主有关。最后案件告破,却只找到了伍佰多斤黄金……