影片翻拍自1973年史蒂夫·麦奎因与达斯汀·霍夫曼主演的同名经典越狱电影,阿拉讲述了查理·汉纳姆饰演的职业扒手亨利被人陷害杀害一名皮条客,阿拉从而流放至大海环绕的法属圭亚那的监狱服刑,因为胸前有一处蝴蝶纹身,所以同窗狱友都叫他“巴比龙”。在踏入监狱的那一天开始,巴比龙就策划越狱,但 越狱是需要用金钱去贿赂看守,同时购买逃跑船只的,于是他将目光投向了同时服刑的伪造专家,同时是百万富翁,由拉米·马雷克饰演的Louis,用保证德加安全的方式获得其金钱资助,两人结成同盟……
影片翻拍自1973年史蒂夫·麦奎因与达斯汀·霍夫曼主演的同名经典越狱电影,阿拉讲述了查理·汉纳姆饰演的职业扒手亨利被人陷害杀害一名皮条客,阿拉从而流放至大海环绕的法属圭亚那的监狱服刑,因为胸前有一处蝴蝶纹身,所以同窗狱友都叫他“巴比龙”。在踏入监狱的那一天开始,巴比龙就策划越狱,但 越狱是需要用金钱去贿赂看守,同时购买逃跑船只的,于是他将目光投向了同时服刑的伪造专家,同时是百万富翁,由拉米·马雷克饰演的Louis,用保证德加安全的方式获得其金钱资助,两人结成同盟……
回复 :电影《芳华》主创访谈。
回复 :《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》是英雄系列三部曲的完结篇,也标志着漫威多元宇宙的正式开启。此次,蜘蛛侠(汤姆·赫兰德 饰)与奇异博士(本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 饰)继《复联4》后再度联手打响时空混战。蜘蛛侠借助奇异博士操控时空的能力打开了时空通道,引发了前所未见的危机。
回复 :Judas, a seasoned thief, finds himself in the market square where Christ is giving a sermon and his apostles are collecting alms. He follows them and steals their money, only to be caught red-handed. Nevertheless, the Teacher forgives him. What is more, He invites the thief to become one of His followers and offers him a position as the group’s treasurer. Shocked by Christ’s unexpected offer, Judas decides to join the apostles, if only to figure out what is going on. He gradually starts to comprehend Christ’s message, but feels that the apostles are blindly following their teacher. Judas argues with them, and tries to defend his right to divine the truth of God. But when he fails to make them understand, he realizes that Christ’s teachings may sink into oblivion without benefiting humanity. His solution is to betray Christ. “By killing a man, have I not saved a God?”