回复 :鲍勃(比尔·默瑞 Bill Murray饰)对这个世界充满不安,他视之为精神疾病,找到权威的心理专家里奥(理查德·德莱福斯 Richard Dreyfuss饰)请求治疗。里奥度假在即,并准备着前往宣传他的新书,于是只交给鲍勃一本新书让他阅读。鲍勃对一切都如此没有把握,他疯狂地寻找里奥医生,想方设法来到里奥的度假地。这次打扰让里奥十分气恼。他美妙的假日时光,他的新书宣传计划,将随着这个病人的到来而发生彻底的改变。更令里奥招架不住的是,他屡屡大费周章支走这个麻烦病人,最终总让自己陷入更大的麻烦,而鲍勃却每每获得众人的支持和喜爱。鲍勃的病一天天好起来,而里奥的霉运远远没有结束。
回复 :一个诞生自地狱梦魇中的生物,因为外貌可怖丑陋,没人知道该如何称呼他。恐怖再次向召唤了它的大学生们袭来……
回复 :Like Fritz Lang, David Fincher or Bong Joon Ho before him, talented debut filmmaker Lado Kvataniya uses the concept of police detective vs serial killer for an excitingly stylised, macabre and haunting narrative, that ultimately revolves around the identity of an era: in this case, the late 1980s Soviet Union. With Glasnost and the end of communist rule, the West also learned of the (unsurprising) fact that there were serial killers in Russia too – the most notorious case probably that of Andrei Chikatilo, nicknamed the Rostov Ripper, or the Russian Hannibal Lecter.Based on these and many other sources, Kvataniya and screenwriter Olga Gorodetskaya constructed an immersive psychological puzzle, jumping back and forth in time, to reveal ever new-possible motives for the actions of all the protagonists. It all starts in 1990, when Detective Issa Davydov is celebrating his promotion and receives a call, reporting a crime that looks precisely like the ones of the serial killer that he famously captured some years before ...