殊途A passenger is stabbed to death on the express bus to Honore. Jack and his team are baffled by the case though as no-one left their seat on the bus - so how on earth did they commit the murder?
殊途A passenger is stabbed to death on the express bus to Honore. Jack and his team are baffled by the case though as no-one left their seat on the bus - so how on earth did they commit the murder?
回复 :在医院里,每位病人及每件事都至关重要,身为医生同时也是平凡人的五人帮,将在此面对人生的起起落落。
回复 :这是一个关于一群小屌丝的伟大构想,五个不靠谱的成员,一个“求必应”的帮忙公司,给甲方实现梦想,搞定难题,满足甲方各种奇葩的需求,演绎当下的大荒诞,小真实。
回复 :在婚姻中长不大的男人,在第六次搞砸结婚纪念日后,被一台神秘计程车载往另一个平行时空,一觉醒来,老婆柯佳嬿竟成了好兄弟的同居女友,而他必须修补自己犯下的错误,才能回到原来的时空。