回复 :本是医毒世家的传人,却遭未婚夫皇子和自己的妹妹暗算!实验室爆炸,我居然魂穿古代成为嫡女,还拿邪皇解毒!这六年我隐姓埋名隐居山野,君子報仇十年不晚!
回复 :Sarah Phelps’ gripping drama tells the story of World War One’s front line medics – their hopes, fears, triumphs and tragedies. The tented field hospital in which they work is a frontier; between the battlefield and home front, but also between the old rules, hierarchies and a new way of thinking.Oona Chaplin (The Hour, Quantum Of Solace), Hermione Norris (Spooks, Cold Feet), Suranne Jones (Scott And Bailey, The Secret Of Crickley Hall), Kevin Doyle (Downton Abbey, Scott And Bailey), Kerry Fox (Shallow Grave, An Angel At My Table) and Marianne Oldham (WPC 56) star as the dedicated team of doctors, nurses and women volunteers working together to help the sick and injured.Together they embody an attitude of endurance, supreme courage and hope. Above any enmities or rivalries, they will all come to share a common bond as they experience the horror, the danger, the adrenalin, the joys and, most of all, the death-defying intoxication of simply being alive in the face of mortal danger.
回复 :毕业于东京大学的白石富生(草彅刚 饰)现供职于一家外资证券公司,工作顺风顺水,前途光明。生活中他与美丽聪颖的青池梢(木村文乃 饰)爱意浓厚,谈婚论嫁。谁知就在某天,灾难如山一般向他的头顶压来。富生的父亲孝夫(志贺广太郎 饰)经营不善而债台高筑,最终选择自杀了断。富生替父还债用光了所有存款,母亲病倒不省人事。他本人不仅丢掉工作,未婚妻也转身决然离去。从天堂跌落地狱的富生饱尝艰辛,正所谓不成功便成仁,虽然被高利贷害得倾家荡产,但他选择加入赤松金融就职,跟随贪财爱钱的赤松大介(渡部笃郎 饰)学习放高利贷的各种知识。被钱害苦的男人,如今在血与火的战场上爬起身来,再赴征程……