回复 :亨利(让·迦本 Jean Gabin 饰)经营着一家夜总会,进行一些下流艳俗的表演,擅长跳肚皮舞的劳拉(玛丽亚·费力克斯 María Félix 饰)是台柱一般的存在。不景气的经济和亨利的不善经营很快就让夜总会来到了濒临破产的边缘,就在这个节骨眼上,亨利认识了平凡的洗衣女工妮妮(弗朗索瓦·阿努尔 Françoise Arnoul 饰),在妮妮的身上,亨利看到了过人的天赋,并且开创了“康康舞”这一前所未有的舞蹈形式。凭借着康康舞,亨利的夜总会再度红火了起来,然而劳拉和妮妮之间日积月累的矛盾却在开业的那一天彻底爆发。之后,一位亲王爱上了妮妮,打算给夜总会投资,可眼红的劳拉却破坏了这桩生意。
回复 :George Peppard plays a hard-driven industrialist more than a little reminiscent of Howard Hughes.While he builds airplanes, directs movies and breaks hearts, his friends and lovers try to reach his human side, and find that it's an uphill battle.The film's title is a metaphor for self-promoting tycoons who perform quick financial takeovers, impose dictatorial controls for short-term profits, then move on to greener pastures.The Carpetbaggers is the kind of trashy classic most people were too embarrassed to admit they enjoyed back in the early 60s.But this Harold Robbins adaptation is so cheerfully vulgar, it's hard not to have a good time - especially given the thinly veiled portrait of Howard Hughes at its center. George Peppard plays the heel-hero, who founds an airline company in the 1920s and buys a movie studio in the 1930s, crushing friends and mistresses along the way.The high cheese factor is aided by the good-time cast Carroll Baker as Peppard's hot stepmom, Bob Cummings (quite funny) as a cynical agent, and Elizabeth Ashley, who married Peppard, in her debut -uncharacteristically, as a good girl.One sad note is Alan Ladd, looking and sounding very end-of-the-line in his final role, as a man's man cowboy star.Elmer Bernstein's swaggering score helps goose the action along.
回复 :来自中产家庭的Miguel跟家中佣人的儿子Johnny,打得火热。二人都是滑板发烧友,既是好友,也有超越友谊的关係。不过,Johnny同时亦跟一名女孩,过从甚密。年轻的荷尔蒙充斥在他们的世界当中。为了赚外快,二人不时卖自己的血给毒贩。一次,二人接获一单大买卖,更引发了不可收拾的局面。电影充满实感,配乐具爆炸性,社会阶级、毒战、爱与犯罪的张力,血慾呈现。