回复 :Centers on the Kilcher family and their community outside Homer, Alaska. Led by patriarch Atz Kilcher, singer Jewel's father, the family have lived on their land for three generations. The show also focuses on the homesteaders who live by the Kilchers, including, Brother Roadkill, who eats animals lying dead on the side of the road.
回复 :《头文字D》的未来,西历202x年。汽车自动驾驶普及的日本。在这样的时代,公路上的赛车比赛已经开始了。风靡世界的蕾丝名为MFG。保时捷、法拉利、兰博基尼等号称最快的赛车纷纷参战。另一方面,毕业于英国赛车学校的车手卡纳塔?李文顿是为了达成某个目的而回日本的。
回复 :此片为精灵梦叶罗丽的番外,主要讲述了金王子金璃铜和公主叶罗丽的故事,该动画现已备案,相信会在不久后和大家见面