回复 :春树的家在农村,刚上四年级,去年母亲因病去世花费了一大笔钱。为解决家里的开销和欠款,父亲离家去城市打工,留下了春树和妹妹,还有年迈的奶奶。两个孩子都想爸爸。借着乡邻催还借款的压力,春树只身来到爸爸打工的城市,他想让爸爸回去。在他的心目中,爸爸是一个可以解决一切的人,更不想爸爸长期在外,使自己和妹妹感到孤寂,家里需要爸爸。春树刚到城市,就被给他买车票的北书诱骗到了一个团伙。在团伙里,北叔收罗了一些离家出走的打工者子弟,逼迫他们偷窃行骗;春树不从,却难逃魔窟。一次机会,春树偶遇警察才被解救。春树酷爱‘奥特曼’,在他心目中,警察就是专打‘怪兽’的‘奥特曼’。春树找到爸爸,爸爸却因拿不到工钱,不愿空手回家。春树才知父亲的艰难……
回复 :A tough guy turned star. He did something others wouldn't dare. Always one step ahead of the cops and always downed a whiskey before robbing a bank. Growing up in a broken home Attila (Bence Szalay) was a troubled teenager, even spent time in a youth prison. Through a rather bizarre turn of events he escaped to Hungary from Transylvania. But his new life turned out to be much harder than the old one. He was the goal-keeper on a hockey team, but still had no money, no girlfriend; but then he found something that he's really good at. He was reckless, fast and meticulous. He started robbing post offices, banks, travel offices. The more he stole, the hungrier he got. Nothing was enough for himself and his new love (Piroska Móga). But his final job didn't go as planned and the determined investigator, (Zoltán Schneider) who's long been on his tail finally caught him and made him face the consequences. But the cop-robber game is far from over. A story of a fascinating life, full of amazing pursuits, action scenes - told through the lense of legendary director of Kontroll and Predators, Nimród Antal.
回复 :本片以国家级非物质遗产、苍南夹缬为主线,反映老一辈与年轻人之间的矛盾冲突以及年轻人之间的纯美爱情……