回复 :《芬巴的消失》讲的是芬巴和丹尼是一对生活在一个沉闷的爱尔兰小镇上好兄弟。芬巴到外闯荡,得到一个国际有名的足球队里踢球的机会,可是人家没有用上他。他就灰溜溜地回到了家乡,未能衣锦还乡令他很沮丧,和丹尼的关系也变得糟糕了。万念俱灰的情况下,他从桥上跳下去了,就此消失了。芬巴消失后几年,他从瑞典打电话给丹尼,丹尼追寻着这个消失的邻居的声音开始漫漫行程。丹尼来到瑞典北部的斯德哥尔摩,去往拉普兰,寻找芬巴。在那儿,丹尼不进见到了芬巴,还看到很多和善的人们以及可爱的阿比,但是他和芬巴的友谊发生了变化,生活也分开了。《芬巴的消失》, 这部影片在拉普兰(挪威、瑞典、芬兰和苏联各国北部拉普兰人居住的地区)取的景,由于冰川解冻,影片的拍摄工作被迫停顿了6个月。Finbar and Danny are close childhood friends who live in a depressing neighbourhood in an Irish town. Finbar gets the chance to play soccer in an international soccer team abroad but can't use it and comes back. He went as a hero and came back as loser. Even the relation to Danny gets worse. In an act of desperation he jumps from a bridge and just disappears. After years of missing Finbar, he calls Danny from Sweden and Danny follows this call disappearing from this neighbourhood, too. In an odyssey, Danny travels from Stockholm to the far north of Sweden, to Lappland, looking for Finbar. Up there, he does not only meet Finbar but also very nice people and the lovely Abbi. But the friendship to Finbar has changed and their lives evantually separate.
回复 :来自四川的少女刘小群(潘怡 饰)是北京动物园的饲养员,她独自居住在一间地下室内,平时只与动物做伴,过着平静孤单的生活。远在老家的母亲很是为女儿的婚事发愁,在母亲的督促下,小群一次次和陌生的男人们约会,如同例行公事一般。某天逛街时,小群认识了做服装生意的小玲(石头 饰),二人一见如故,彼此都对对方产生了好感。最终小玲离开同居的男友,搬到了小群的住在了一起。小群母亲的到来打乱了她们平静幸福的生活,而小群之前的女朋友君君(张浅潜 饰)去而复归,更让她们陷入混乱……本片为李玉执导的第一部剧情片。
回复 :In-depth examination of the dark side of an American justice system where women who report sexual assault are instead charged with perjury and jailed for it.Investigative journalist Rae de Leon has discovered a startling pattern in rape cases in the United States. Namely, that women who have reported a sexual assault are suspected of lying by the police. First they are accused of making up their allegations, later they are prosecuted for giving false testimony and sometimes they end up serving prison sentences. ‘Victim/Suspect’ shows how the roles are reversed so the perpetrators are declared innocent while the victims sometimes end up behind bars and other times end their lives. Rae de Leon gets first-hand accounts from the women and interviews legal experts as she delves into police methods, interrogation techniques and preliminary investigations, and the outcome reveals a corrupt system. Nancy Schwartzman charts a law enforcement agency that confuses victims and suspects and is relevant far beyond America’s borders. It is a powerful testimony to systemic failure, police handling of cases and a determined journalist’s attempt to change it.