回复 :《放开我北鼻第三季》是一档由腾讯视频推出的纯网综艺,由《花样姐姐》制片人李文妤担纲制作人,记录性格迥异、颜值极高的素人小孩与明星嘉宾相处的过程。陈学冬、黄景瑜、王嘉尔为本季常驻嘉宾。节目于2018年5月27日起每周日晚20:00在腾讯视频播出。
回复 :Sex workers Holiday, Endza, Cayenne, and Jessie give clients intimate experiences ranging from the pleasurable to the painful. In the process, they give a deep dive into their personal lives.Following these four sex workers in Seattle, Sex Next Door is a documentary with unprecedented, uncensored access into the sex work industry. The series pulls back the curtain on an often stigmatized profession, resulting in a candid, surprising glimpse into its workers' relationships with family, clients, and partners.
回复 :《爱玩客》是三立电视台的一款推荐美食和旅游胜地的节目。由詹姆士等人联合主持。节目风格大胆风趣富有活力,旨在向全球华人推荐世界各地的美食美景。其前身是《美食大三通》。