回复 :Watch as a cast of Vermeer enthusiasts and experts create the largest Vermeer exhibition ever set to be mounted at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. This fascinating documentary is a unique opportunity to discover what goes on behind the scenes at exhibitions of this scale, from the latest techniques for determining what makes a Vermeer truly Vermeer to new discoveries while searching for the master’s paintings around the world.
回复 :变性后的格洛丽亚终于开始享受安定的生活,一名老友却在这时再次出现并带来一则毁灭性的消息,她的世界由此陷入一片混乱。
回复 :《打黑风暴》是继《红蜘蛛》之后的又一打黑反腐力作,真实记录和再现了来自打黑第一线的惊心动魄的战斗场面。它也是全国惟一一部由公安部从全国打黑第一线精心甄选实战案例,深入案发地实景拍摄的打黑题材电视剧。该剧的导演是被誉为中国最权威的扫黄打黑影视剧导演高群书,执导过《命案十三宗》、《红蜘蛛》等片。