纪录片《街头安全计划》(The Street Project)从美国历史和城市规划政策出发,国产谈论如何创造行人能放心行走的城市。全世界每年有超过100万人死于交通事故,国产其中有一半是行人和自行车事故。透过不同国家的案例和数据,进行各种模拟和实验,探讨我们的街道到底属于汽车、机车、自行车,还是行人?
纪录片《街头安全计划》(The Street Project)从美国历史和城市规划政策出发,国产谈论如何创造行人能放心行走的城市。全世界每年有超过100万人死于交通事故,国产其中有一半是行人和自行车事故。透过不同国家的案例和数据,进行各种模拟和实验,探讨我们的街道到底属于汽车、机车、自行车,还是行人?
回复 :本片榮獲藝學院賞最佳電影、最佳劇本、最佳男主角(西田敏行)最佳助演男配角(田中邦衛)最佳新人(萩原聖人、裕木奈江)暨最佳導演六項大獎!!《學校》是山田洋次構思了15年的意念。影片的背景是一所夜間中學,負責教學的是已屆中年的黑井先生。他本來可以有機會調職到另一家正規學校任教,但他卻拒絕了。又一個學期要過去,在畢業禮即將來臨之前,黑井叫每個學生都以過去一年的日子做題材,寫下一些值得回味的事情。班上的同學,有不同年齡的、不同國藉和背景的,不約而同都發現:歲月雖然匆匆,但箇中悲喜,尤其是黑井的關懷,卻教他們永誌難忘。本片是山田洋次創作生涯上的另一高峰:七年間已拍了四集,是山田繼《男人之苦》後的第二個成功系列。Directed by the creator of the Tora-san series, Yamada Yoji, "A Class to Remember" unfolds in a night junior high school on the lower east side of Tokyo. Students from their teens to their sixties are enrolled. One of the most beloved teachers, Kuroi, asks each student to write an essay recalling their experience in the night school. In the midst of the class, a piece of tragic news arrives: Inoda, one of Kuroi's students, has passed away, upon which the whole class starts talking about each other's memory of Inoda. Compassionate and extremely poignant, "A Class to Remember", marks the beginning of another film series for Yamada. So far four installments have been made and all are box office hits.
回复 :Trevor is 'between jobs'. He spends his days avoiding his nagging heifer of a wife by hiding out in his allotment shed and painting figurines for his wargames with his agoraphobic friend, Graham, and dreaming of his heroic alter-ego, the battle mage Casimir the Destroyer. When Mr Parsons, one of the other allotment tenants, petitions to have Trevor removed from his disgrace of a plot (he's not there to grow stuff!) an argument ensues that leaves Trevor with a corpse to hide. Unfortunately, this untimely accident coincides with the zombie apocalypse and Mr Parsons' return is just the beginnings of Trevor's problems. More pressing is whether or not he should try and save his wife and her beautiful best friend, who both he and Graham have a thing for.
回复 :導 演:胡鵬編 劇:王風出品公司:華僑影業公司語 言:粵語片 種:奇幻片 戏曲年 代:古裝主 演:關德興、羅麗娟、李香琴、劉家良、石堅附 註:童星戲角 色:哪吒首映日映: 1957-8-24劇情簡介:五雷神為石磯娘娘報仇,以除妖為名,用五雷真火毁李靖府邸,劈死李夫人。靖追究不果,子哪吒復仇心切,與五雷神鬥法,震動天庭。王母娘娘罰五雷神修葺天宮,事件始平息。