比喵播平Roscoe and Buster operate a combination garage and fire station. In the first half they destroy a car left for them to clean. In the second half they go off on a false alarm and return to find their own building on fire.
比喵播平Roscoe and Buster operate a combination garage and fire station. In the first half they destroy a car left for them to clean. In the second half they go off on a false alarm and return to find their own building on fire.
回复 :After courting a woman called Vera for seven years, friends Jack and Leo decide to seclude themselves in the Vermont woods near her home, when she finally decides to accept a third man called Gideon.
回复 :一场阴差阳错的谋杀案,牵连了一栋大厦里多个无辜的人。失恋女(莫文蔚饰)在七月半被男友抛弃,于是把自己关在房里,不断往楼下扔东西发泄。两个心怀鬼胎的保安也在此时酝酿打劫大厦的计划。一对夫妇突然间不见了儿子,遂请求保安队长(李力持饰)帮忙。队长进入二人家中却发现了另一桩与死去老妇有关的凶案。而此时失恋女发现了站在楼道口对着一盆花说话的神秘黑衣人(周星驰饰)。队长发现了夫妇谋杀老母亲的事实,遂被追杀。而此时老母亲的鬼魂前来索命终被黑衣人制服。而夫妇也最终被黑衣人制服后坠楼身亡。含恨的厉鬼就要来索命,牵连该事件的若干人无奈之下只有与神秘的黑衣人合作......
回复 :A party of archaeologists discovers the remnants of a mutant five-millennia-old Sumerian civilization living beneath a glacier atop a mountain in Mesopotamia.