回复 :艾利克斯(方中信 饰)曾是业内非常有名的音乐创作人,他所做的曲子可谓是千金难求。然而,艾利克斯并不想一味的去写那些讨好听众讨好市场的歌,而是希望能够将自己的抱负寄托在音乐之中,久而久之,他的订单越来越少,最终再也无人问津。落魄和失意之中,艾利克斯只能依靠酒精来麻痹内心,在酒吧,他邂逅了名为艾薇(蒙嘉慧 饰)的酒吧招待,艾薇拥有一副动人的好嗓子,艾利克斯发现了她的天赋,决定帮她一把。在艾利克斯的推荐之下,艾薇进入了唱片公司,没想到竟然一炮而红一跃成为了当红歌手,但与此同时,她和艾利克斯之间的距离却变得越来越远。
回复 :安乐死在瑞士是合法的,在欧洲很多人会选择去瑞士“有尊严的死去”。本片客观公正地描述了那些决定要终止自己生命的人的原因和方式。并引发我们的深思“作为一个人是否有权利选择自己体面的退场”?
回复 :Philippe Clarence, a famous Parisian dressmaker, seduces his friend's fiancee. But, for the 1st time in his life, this is for real. The film is also a sharp picture of the fashion world.A philandering young dress designer plays fast and loose with the hearts of all the fair maidens he encounters, and leaves them in a Paris lurch. But when he meets the fiancée of his best friend, he falls deeply and truly in love with her. The girl is soon faced with two choices; marry the reliable fiancée whom she doesn't love, or run off with the dress designer with whom she is infatuated. She sees that she also has a third option and makes the wise choice...she rejects both. The dress designer is not too well equipped for accepting rejection, and he makes a bad decision.