回复 :《变形计》是由芒果TV独家自制的青春励志生活类体验纪实节目,禀承湖南卫视《变形计》“换位思考”的理念,关注当代青少年教育与成长问题。在全新一季节目中,将尝试单边变形的方式,记录城市少年来到农村,和农村小伙伴一起生活。他们将感受对方的故事,共同完成心路转变。
回复 :在這眾人都會魔法的世界,魔力高低成為了衡量地位的標準,而不會使用魔法的人則會遭到處決。馬修天生不會使用魔法,被養父藏匿起來照顧。他為了自己跟家人能平安生活,決定用長年鍛煉出來的一身肌肉與世界抗衡。
回复 :共三集:1.隐匿的王道 2.生命中的化合 3.生命的火花The Cell In a three-part series, Dr Adam Rutherford tells the extraordinary story of the scientific quest to discover the secrets of the cell and of life itself. Every living thing is made of cells, microscopic building blocks of almost unimaginable power and complexity. “I am normally not a lover of scientific docu’s but this one I found I had to watch all 3 parts back to back”.The Hidden KingdomThe first part explores how centuries of scientific and religious dogma were overturned by the earliest discoveries of the existence of cells, and how scientists came to realize that there was, literally, more to life than meets the eye.The Chemistry of LifeThis episode explores how scientists delved ever deeper into the world of the cell, seeking to reveal the magic ingredient that can spark a bundle of chemicals into life. Their discoveries have brought us to the brink of being able to create life for ourselves.The Spark of LifeThe final part reveals how our knowledge of cells has brought us to the brink of one of the most important moments in history. Scientists are close to repeating what has happened only once in four billion years - the creation of a new life form.