范大明白(崔志佳 饰)在东北从事着白事行业,相亲与众不同的是,相亲范大明白愿意接纳刑满释放的人,为他们提供工作机会。这一天,一名叫做牛硬朗(宋晓峰 饰)的男人来到店里,抛出了豪华大单——三百万的葬礼,范大明白及团队惊讶不已……在办葬礼的过程中,范大明白和牛硬朗才发现,原来二人之间的渊源不止如此……
范大明白(崔志佳 饰)在东北从事着白事行业,相亲与众不同的是,相亲范大明白愿意接纳刑满释放的人,为他们提供工作机会。这一天,一名叫做牛硬朗(宋晓峰 饰)的男人来到店里,抛出了豪华大单——三百万的葬礼,范大明白及团队惊讶不已……在办葬礼的过程中,范大明白和牛硬朗才发现,原来二人之间的渊源不止如此……
回复 :13-year-old Nate Foster is an unpopular Midwestern kid who entertains vivid fantasies of becoming a big Broadway musical star. In the meantime, however, Nate can't even get a decent role in his middle school's drama productions, getting cast as a tree in the chorus instead of the lead role he craves. However, when he and his best friend Libby mastermind a daring trip to New York City, without their parents' knowledge, to audition for "Lilo and Stitch: The Musical," Nate may be on the verge of fulfilling his lifelong dream. But first, he has to overcome a series of comical obstacles that threaten his Broadway adventure with disaster at every farcical turn.
回复 :A large multinational company is shaken by the suicide of three employees. The company sends a directive, Sofia Cuevas, to conduct an internal investigation. She discovers an unhealthy work environment a pathogenic form of management where the individual is relegated to a minor role and only priority is the bottom line. But, what are the real reasons that lead a man to suicide in his job
回复 :石笋山八仙聚aaa。八仙各有思乡之情。正巧曹国舅(景休)成仙千年,玉帝特准下界探亲一月。何仙姑陪同曹国舅来到乔迁夜宴阖家欢乐的曹家。曹家公司遇到资金问题,曹兴国又不信任自己的儿子有能力帮助自己,曹兴邦在暗地里使坏组织了老朋友对曹兴国的帮助。曹国舅和何仙姑看在眼里,急在心里,就在曹国舅想要使用法力帮助曹兴国度过难关的时候,何仙姑制止了他,以女人独有的智慧激发了曹兴国与曹景新之间的父子情,也帮曹家度过了难关。