Vikram是一位铁面无私、欧美嫉恶如仇的警察,欧美在他管辖的区域内,有一个臭名昭著的帮派头目Vedha,背负有16条人命,是整个警局最想要绳之以法的歹徒之一。正当Vikram和其手下绞尽脑汁寻找Vedha时,这位神龙见首不见尾的印度古惑仔却把自己送到了警局投案。 然而一切却没有想象之中那么顺利,Vedha在接受Vikram审讯时,为Vikram讲述了3个真实的故事,这彻底改变了Vikram非黑即白的对错观。而随着故事的展开,原本昭然欲揭的案情却渐渐变得扑朔迷离起来……
Vikram是一位铁面无私、欧美嫉恶如仇的警察,欧美在他管辖的区域内,有一个臭名昭著的帮派头目Vedha,背负有16条人命,是整个警局最想要绳之以法的歹徒之一。正当Vikram和其手下绞尽脑汁寻找Vedha时,这位神龙见首不见尾的印度古惑仔却把自己送到了警局投案。 然而一切却没有想象之中那么顺利,Vedha在接受Vikram审讯时,为Vikram讲述了3个真实的故事,这彻底改变了Vikram非黑即白的对错观。而随着故事的展开,原本昭然欲揭的案情却渐渐变得扑朔迷离起来……
回复 :加里·格兰特在片中扮演一位画家,秀兰·邓波儿饰演一个纯真的年轻姑娘,玛娜·洛伊扮演年轻姑娘的姐姐。年轻姑娘深情不渝的爱上了魅力四射的画家,但画家只想利用这种关系来接近小姑娘的姐姐。但这位生活稳定的女记者却出于傲慢和对其妹妹感情的双重顾虑而拒绝接受画家的爱。最后画家利用其过人的幽默感把这原本很糟糕的情势化为了快乐的结局。
回复 :讲述女子菲伊在丈夫埃文去世后,试图用一个模拟机器人来取代他,虽然这个机器人各个方面都和人类埃文很像,但菲伊感受不到相同的爱。机器人埃文尝试赢回菲伊的心,与此同时他正被一个政府特工追捕,因为这些机器人逐渐开始有自我意识,可能对人类构成潜在威胁。
回复 :Anna is stuck: she's approaching 30, living like a hermit in her mum's garden shed and wondering why the suffragettes ever bothered. She spends her days making videos using her thumbs as actors - thumbs that bicker about things like whether Yogi Bear is a moral or existential nihilist. But Anna doesn't show these videos to anyone and no one knows what they are for. A week before her birthday her Mum serves her an ultimatum - she needs to move out of the shed, get a haircut that doesn't put her gender in question and stop dressing like a homeless teenager. Naturally, Anna tells her Mum to "back the f-off". However, when her school friend comes to visit, Anna's self-imposed isolation becomes impossible to maintain. Soon she is entangled with a troubled eight year old boy obsessed with Westerns, and the local estate agent whose awkward interpersonal skills continually undermine his attempts to seduce her.