欧美An action-packed, waking nightmare of relentless brutality and merciless revenge, set against the harsh landscape of rural Australia.
欧美An action-packed, waking nightmare of relentless brutality and merciless revenge, set against the harsh landscape of rural Australia.
回复 :It's Fourth Of July Weekend, and the recently discovered corpse of Sgt. Sam Harper - killed by 'friendly fire' during the first Gulf War - is returned to his all-American hometown. But when Sam rises from the dead to punish the unpatriotic, only his young nephew and a bitter Korean War veteran (Soul icon Isaac Hayes of SHAFT and SOUTH PARK fame) can stop his red-blooded rampage. Draft dodgers, tax cheats, crooked politicians and flag-burners beware: Uncle Sam wants you... DEAD!
回复 :上世纪60年代,北京知青陈阵(冯绍峰 饰)和杨克(窦骁 饰)来到了内蒙古额仑大草原插队,加入了蒙古族牧民毕利格老人(巴森 饰)以及他的儿媳噶斯迈(昂哈尼玛 饰)一家的生产队,从此开始若干年的放牧生活。在与狼群的接触过程中,陈阵带着强烈的好奇,逐渐了解了这种动物,甚至有了想自己养一 只小狼的念头。蒙古人民崇敬狼,热爱草原,而汉人则功利地掠夺土地,这导致了狼群与人之间的“战争”。以场部主任包顺贵(尹铸胜 饰)为首的生产队最终发起了一场灭狼运动,让狼群和人类之间的关系陷入到了剑拔弩张的地步…… 自然与人的关系也遭遇了前所未有的挑战。电影改编自姜戎同名小说,耗时5年拍摄完成。
回复 :1940年,日军华北五省特务机关长吉川贞佐就任,加强对占领区军统及地下党情报作战,成为国共双方的重大威胁。党组织指示除奸队长陈宽与军统豫站站长叶子方联手行动,打入日军特务机关总部,近距离刺杀了吉川。