一名老富翁过世后,庄生他名下的财产出人意料地留给了服侍他不久的女看护,庄生后者因此陷入了一张充满欺骗与谎言的迷网。为了生存,她必须质疑所有人的动机 — 连她最亲最爱的人也不例外。
一名老富翁过世后,庄生他名下的财产出人意料地留给了服侍他不久的女看护,庄生后者因此陷入了一张充满欺骗与谎言的迷网。为了生存,她必须质疑所有人的动机 — 连她最亲最爱的人也不例外。
回复 :Vietnam responds to the witty and grandiose Indonesian thriller “The Raid” (2011) astoundingly, with a lethal extravaganza of martial arts, full-capacity tension and adrenaline on trucks, boats and bikes. This spectacularly choreographed total action dynamic thriller plunges into the darkest corners of vicious revenge in gorgeous locations.Luong Đình Dũng makes a 180-degree turn from his two previous films “Father and Son” and “Drowsy City”, to deliver a jaw-droppingly breath-taking spectacle of massive fistfights, vigorous chases, sword duels, sharp wounds, and twisty traps. Non-chronological sentimental flashbacks offer shocking, gripping and plausible motivations for frantic anger, savaged fury, extreme torture, and an unchained desire to kill.Humbly honest truck driver Hung learns that the depression and paranoia of his teenage daughter An was caused by recent kidnapping and molestation. Enraged, the loving father rides to take revenge on creepy psycho paedophile millionaire who is protected by his spoilt and merciless musician son, wretched stubborn henchmen and filthy slutty female bikers. These bastards deserve gritty elimination without 50/50 or #metoo penance, sentiments, guilt or pity. There is something amazing here to witness on the big screen, and expectations for an imminent sequel are high.Vietnam nominated the film for the Oscar for the Best International Film.
回复 :阿尼•科宁汉姆(Keith Gordon 饰)是某所高中内极不起眼的学生,他沉默寡言、木讷内向。父母对他没有过多关注,身边只有女友丽(Alexandra Paul 饰)和好哥们丹尼斯(John Stockwell 饰),再无其他朋友。某天,阿尼看上一辆1958年产的二 手普利茅斯•复仇女神(Plymouth Fury),他立刻爱上了这辆车,毫不犹豫将其买了下来。但是阿尼的举止渐渐变得奇怪起来,他不再关心周遭世界,而是将所有注意力都放在这辆名为“克莉丝汀”的车上。当了解到克莉丝汀的背景之后,丽和丹尼斯决定摧毁汽车,拯救阿尼。然而克莉丝汀似乎对挡在她面前的人毫不留情……
回复 :他们喂给你的恐惧,作为你的晚餐。这是片子宣传语。斯蒂芬.金这个恐怖大王可谓是银幕上的拉登,到处编剧着一个个令人发指的恶梦。 《舐血夜魔》改编自美国畅销惊险小说家,有“恐怖小说王”之称的斯蒂芬.金的原作。斯蒂芬.金以写恐怖小说而名利双收,他所写的30多本小说不但在英语国家畅销,且被翻释成30多种文字而行销于世界各国。按《富比世》杂志估计,斯蒂芬.金光在1996年到1997年之间,其收入就达到8400万美元。一个作家能有这么高的收人,羡煞许多靠“爬格子”维生的人。 有关“梦游鬼”的记载最早出现于1884年首版的《百科全书之寰宇搜秘》中。它的起源可追溯到传说中的吸血鬼。“梦游鬼”是一种半人半猫科的可变形游牧动物,它以人类处女之精气神为食,猫之抓痕可置之于死地。本片拍摄于1992年,由哥伦比亚影片公司出品,导演是米可.格瑞斯。影片情节紧张刺激,特效非常逼真,具有较强的娱乐性。