人前手牵手,视频闭眼下毒手!视频究竟谁才是真朋友、谁又是黑暗中的凶手?讲述一群朋友在偏远的周末派对上玩了一个名叫“Bodies Bodie Bodies”模拟谋杀的游戏,结果却发生了真正的谋杀。
人前手牵手,视频闭眼下毒手!视频究竟谁才是真朋友、谁又是黑暗中的凶手?讲述一群朋友在偏远的周末派对上玩了一个名叫“Bodies Bodie Bodies”模拟谋杀的游戏,结果却发生了真正的谋杀。
回复 :黑色電影的影像加間諜片的驚險,根據真實事件改編,費立茲‧朗這部反納粹電影有著豪華的陣容,戲劇大師布萊希特、音樂家漢斯‧艾斯勒等流亡美國的德國文化巨星參與創作,華裔攝影大師黃宗霑掌鏡。外號「布拉格劊子手」的德國佔領軍高層在布拉格被剌殺,剌客得到反抗人士幫助逃脫。德國人拘捕數百無辜人質,要求交出剌客,否則殺掉人質報復。逃脫的剌客要如何救回人質?
回复 :一个挑衅的十几岁的男孩,与父母即将离婚的挣扎,面对一个千岁的女巫,谁是生活在皮肤下,并冒充隔壁的女人。
回复 :Ethan is a young, shy and rather reserved designer who has suffered from insomnia for many years due to his terrible nightmares. Believing he has a personality disorder he decides to see a therapist to solve his problem, but it will be thanks to the help of his best friend and a medium that he will face a long journey, a journey that will lead him to discover that his nightmares hide a shocking truth, something darker and more sinister than he ever imagined.