回复 :"Veteran experimental filmmakers Danielle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub helmed this unusual adaptation of a novel by Elio Vittorini. Focused on the triumphs and failures of a group of laborers and farm hands who pooled their resources to operate an alternative collective farm after the end of World War II, Operai, Contadini features a cast of 12 actors who read aloud from Vittorini's book for the duration of the film, either reciting from memory or using a clearly visible script. Hardly designed to be a crowd pleaser, Operai, Contadini proved to be controversial among the audiences for its showings at the 2001 Cannes Film Festival, where it was screened as part of the Directors' Fortnight series." ~ Mark Deming, All Movie Guide"The group makes up a primitive community which seeks to erase not only the distress created by the war but also the hardships of life and hunger, and to protect them from violence, misery and fear. Amid the ruins of this post-war period, the characters build and invent a rapport both in their professional and daily lives between themselves, the sexes, generations, diverse social and geographical origins, and antagonistic political camps.The group maintains a 'register', a kind of diary, as if it were entering the minutes of an inquiry or a trial." -Steve Grayson"my favorite Straub-Huillet films are Too Early, Too Late and Operai, contadini (2001), both color landscape films with especially acute senses of place as well as of nature in all its harsh beauty." - Jonathan Rosenbaum
回复 :1957年,法国女演员(埃曼纽尔•莉娃)来到日本广岛拍摄一部宣传和平的电影时,邂逅当地的建筑工程师(冈田英次),两人在短暂时间内忘记各自的有夫之妇、有妇之夫身份,产生忘我恋情。然而因为广岛这块土地的特殊性,两人在激情相拥时,女演员脑海中总会闪现若干有关战争的残酷画面,建筑工程师也常令她回忆起她在战时于法国小城内韦尔与一名德国占领军的爱情。电影拍摄结束后,被纠缠的女演员感觉自己唯一能做的,是在有限的时间里,更加投入地把身体交于建筑工程师。
回复 :在他酗酒的父亲去世后,乔纳森·布里奇从他兄弟的家里偷走了他父亲的骨灰。他开着一辆偷来的汽车飞驰向悬崖,想自杀,但他活了下来。在此之后,他要在精神病院接受三个月的治疗。在那里,他在Figure博士的监督下加入了一个自杀小组。他与精神不安的雷切尔·罗(她看到她的母亲死于车祸)和托比(在车祸中意外地杀死了他的兄弟)成为朋友。在治疗过程中,爱挖苦人的乔纳森改变了他的行为,看到了活着的重要性。