久久精品Satyameva Jayate 2 revolves around the fight against injustice and misuse of power. From police and politicians to industrialists and a common man, the film will explore corruption in all spheres.
久久精品Satyameva Jayate 2 revolves around the fight against injustice and misuse of power. From police and politicians to industrialists and a common man, the film will explore corruption in all spheres.
回复 :Martha and Félix are the children of the Butcher of Mons, a notorious Belgian serial killer from the 1990s. Unstable and riddled with insecurities, Martha lives vicariously through social media. Her brother, crushed by the family legacy, takes over their father's killings. Harassed and violently assaulted at work, the docile Martha falls into madness and goes through the looking glass into the strange and terrifying world inhabited by her brother.
回复 :当美国联邦金库被盗走价值四千万美元的黄金后,探员科林汀(Clenteen)被财政部受命调查此事。为了找回黄金,抓住主要案犯布里斯托 (Bristol),科林汀决定从被抓的案犯同谋约翰(John Jaster)入手。然而事有不测,在审讯中约翰因心脏病突发死亡,这样唯一的线索也失去了。于是,科林汀利用约翰的狱友阿尔文(Alvin)作诱饵,设了一个陷阱,让布里斯托不请自到,并将其抓获……
回复 :詹姆斯(蒂姆·罗斯 Tim Roth 饰)的家中世代经营着庞大的纺织产业,作为父亲唯一的儿子,詹姆斯日后势必继承父亲的纺织帝国,未来无可估量。然而某日,一位妓女的死亡令詹姆斯被卷入了罪与罚的漩涡之中。种种迹象表明,詹姆斯正是那位警方正在苦苦追寻的冷酷无情的凶手。对于警方的指控,詹姆斯矢口否认,于是,警局派来了菲利普(克里斯·潘 Chris Penn 饰)和爱德华(迈克尔·鲁克 Michael Rooker 饰)两位警探,对詹姆斯进行测谎实验,落在他们两人手中的嫌疑人,十有八九会吐露实情。可是,没过多久,两人便发现,詹姆斯有着高超的智商和坚固的心防,想要撬开他的嘴,可不是一件容易的事情。