回复 :与父亲老伍(魏翔 饰)终年不合的小伍(常远 饰)阴差阳错回到80年代,意外搅黄了父亲与母亲大陆(马丽 饰)的初次相遇。为了纠正这个错误,他想尽办法一次次重返过去,鼓励老妈追老爸,让人啼笑皆非的闹剧不断上演。父母相遇相恋的命运,是否会因为小伍的干预而转变?尘封在父亲心里的秘密,又将如何慢慢揭开……
回复 :《Geats VS Revice VS 龙骑》冲击性的战斗现在开始。作为假面骑士Revice“最后的故事”开始的第1部、Geats×Revice×龙骑的联动。等待着被邀请参加Desire Grand Prix的浮世英寿们的是、被何人改变制作的新游戏「Desire Royale」。暗中活动的谜之游戏管理员的策略,假面骑士之间的大激战!谜之假面骑士登场、前所未有的混战游戏开幕……!激战正酣,谁将成为最后赢家——然后赢家想要实现的愿望是什么。
回复 :Far’Hook is a 20-year-old rapper. Following a violent dispute with a rival, he’s forced to leave Paris for a while. His producer, Bilal, suggests that Far’Hook acts as driver for Bilal’s father, Serge, on a tour of French ports, following in the footsteps of the classic painter Joseph Vernet.Despite the age gap and culture clash, an unlikely friendship forms between this talented rapper and a bricklayer from the north of France during a road trip that concludes in Marseille for a final concert, one of reconciliation.