回复 :传说每年的4月7日地狱会开启大门,邪恶的魔器鬼魅灯会在人间选中一位审判者来使用鬼魅灯来惩罚当今世上罪大恶极的人,并释放被恶人所害之人的灵魂将其噬魂进鬼魅灯永世不得轮回。
回复 :The richest kid in the world, Richie Rich, has everything he wants, except companionship. While representing his father at a factory opening, he sees some kids playing baseball across the street. Richie wants to join in, but they don't want him around. When a plot to kill the Rich family is devised by Rich Industries' top executive, Laurence Van Dough, Richie must take over control of the company while searching for his lost parents with the help of some new friends.
回复 :美国空军少校克罗斯(杜夫朗格饰)被徵召去保护总统随身携带的黑色手提箱---美国洲际飞弹卫星遥控电脑。但是没想到在第一天行动,就被一队庸兵劫走,而这群恐怖份子要求美国总统在电视上自裁,否则将把飞弹瞄准华盛顿特区。