回复 :皇宫突发怪病,症状诡异被称作——狐仙索命。染病的两宫众人被皇后下旨隔离在东宫(冷宫)。 宫中请来郎中叶志理来查明病因,并派遣付高护其左右。叶志理从第一个发病者高厨子查起,却正好目睹其惨死。叶志理顺藤摸瓜找到高厨子的相好婢女月儿。而月儿却被一黑衣人暗杀。在追逐黑衣人的过程中,叶志理发现了容妃和沁妃的秘密。此时地窖突起大火,线索被毁。守门老太独揽罪责。叶志理欲带着沁妃一行人出宫复命。容妃误会叶志理便带着黑衣人进行阻拦,实则是为儿报仇,杀死沁妃。面对容妃的步步紧逼,沁妃道出了不为人知的缘由。正当沁妃要赶尽杀绝之时,叶志理让她放下执念,看清眼前——是否真有狐仙索命;沁妃真正目的到底是什么?流传几百年的惊天秘密即将被揭开……
回复 :
回复 :Khun Nueng, M.L. Sipakorn, is a stunning woman who grows up under her grandmother’s pressure and upbringing. She’s never been allowed to be herself and has never met someone she could feel loved or worthy of. That is, until she meets a young girl with beautiful eyes and a cute appearance, Anueng. Anueng is cheerful and bright, but beneath her smiling face lies hidden sadness in her eyes. Nevertheless, she makes Khun Nueng’s heart flutter like never before. However, the 16-year age difference, family objections, and societal norms refuse to accept their love.